Tuesday 1 November 2011

Little Red Riding Hood

The girl wores a red cloak. She traveled through the forest, carrying food to give to her sick grandmother. Her mother warned her not to stop on her way there, she also said she shouldn't under any circumstances talk to any strangers.
Soon forgetting this advice, she was approached by a wolf who wished to know where she was going.
To see my grandmother, she replied. She's very sick.
Maybe you should pick her some flowers to cheer her up, said the wolf looking at her with a hungry gleam in his eyes.
That's a good idea. Maybe I will.
The little girl began to pick her grandmother some flowers as the wolf dispeared into the woods. The wolf hurried to the girl's grandmother's house. When there he knocked on the door pretending to be the little girl decieving her grandmother into letting him in.
Once inside the wolf swallowed the grandmother whole, not even giving her time to notice that he wasn't who she thought. The wolf then dressed in one of her nighties and caps and got into her bed leaving the door unlocked.
A short while later the girl knocked on her grandmother's door. Come in, said the wolf.
Why Grandma, said the girl. What a deep voice you have.
It's my cold.
And what big hands you have.
All the better to hug you with.
And what big eyes you have.
All the better to see you with.
And what big teeth you have.
All the better to eat you with.
The wolf swallowed the girl whole, as he did with her grandmother. He then fell asleep on the bed.
A near by woodcutter heard the girls screams, and looks through the window to see the wolfs asleep with his fat belly. He ran through the door, violently cutting the wolf open. He pulled the girl and her grandma from the wolfs stomach. They draged the wolfs dead body out of the house and filled him with stones. The woodcutter then threw the wolf into the river. They stood and watch as he drowned, and eventually sunk to the bottom of river. They left, leaving his body behind, alone at the bottom of the river.

1 comment:

  1. Hubbard. You are falling behind. Catch up with all the missing work or face being left on the road (aka not allowed into class until you've caught up).
